Barberry Fruit- Health Benefits, Use and many more interesting information

Barberry fruit have sour, tangy and tart flavor and is red in color. These berries are grown on barberry plant that is most commonly found in Middle east and central Asia. They are enriched in vitamin C, berberine and antioxidants that make it beneficial for your health.

Barberry fruit is known as “Zereshk” at its local level and consider as a vital ingredient of traditional Iranian dishes. It’s aroma and color are quite unique gives a different aesthetic to your dishes. Besides its good taste, aroma and color there are quite lots of general and health benefits of using barberry fruit. Once you add it in your diet than there is no going back.

Benefits of Barberry Fruit

Barberry fruit due to high in nutrients like fiber, vitamins, minerals and carbs and especially due to presence of berberine it proves to be highly antioxidant and advantageous for health. Berberine is an uncommon, therapeutic substance that is rarely found. Let’s take a look on its detailed benefits

· Control Diabetes

It is interesting that compound berberine present in barberry fruit help to regulate sugar level. It has been observed in research that 500 mg of barberry by taking on daily basis helps the patient to regulate their insulin production. Thus, helping them to control their diabetes.

· Regulate Cholesterol Level

It has been clearly observed that it also helps cholesterol patient to regulate their cholesterol. In research it was observed that patients show 24% reduction in LDL level in just few days. So, make it art of your diet either fresh ne or dried.

· Treatment of Various Diseases

From centuries it has been used for treatment of various diseases including diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, loss of appetite etc. And also used to treat diseases related to liver.

· Resist Metabolic Syndrome

Barberry fruit protect you from metabolic syndrome by controlling obesity, regulating blood pressure level which indirectly reduces the risk of heart diseases.

· Beneficial for Dental care

They are quite good for your dental health. Due to berberine anti-inflammatory quality it prevents tooth decay, plaque etc. it can also prove to be good for swelling of gums, gingivitis etc.

· Help to Fight Acne

Barberry fruit is also very good for your skin. It helps to fight against acne and give back to you glowing and clear skin. It will definitely help you to get rid of bumpy and textured skin.

· Use of Barberry Fruit

Dried barberries are enriched in vitamin C, antioxidants and other minerals. You can use them in number of dishes beside giving it a quite good look, it will also provide you with health benefits. They can be used in number of different salads, stuffed chicken, in rice etc. it is especially used in Iranian cuisines.


Barberry fruit contain number of vitamins and minerals but what make it precious is the presence of berberine compound. That compound is highly beneficial for regulating cholesterol, diabetes, blood pressure and helps you to prevent heart diseases. It even quite advantageous for skin and special part of Iranian desert.



Arvin likes to share recreation knowledge with people. He enjoys giving back to the community and helping others have a good time. A regular at the library, Arvin is always looking for new ways to make life more fun. Whether it's reading about a new sport or getting outside and trying something new, he loves spreading his love of recreation.

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